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Monday, April 8, 2013

Sugar Junkie?

The following is a very reader-friendly explanation about sugar and the problems it causes our diet.

Reposted from Female Health Motivation

What's the big deal about sugar anyway?

Eating sugar triggers the release of a hormone called insulin, the most amazing hoarder you’ve ever met.

Imagine a slightly creepy relative, one that is overly obsessive about cleaning; except for the fact that they don’t have a rubbish bin, they just clean everything constantly, but put the dirt and rubbish into the cupboards. This is insulin.

Now imagine giving that hoarding weirdo a line of cocaine, laced with speed and mixed into a litre of coffee, topped with an energy drink. Their behaviour is similar to what insulin is like, when fed sugar.

It packs everything (and I mean everything) into the lovely little storage spaces in your body we know as fat cells.

Just remember that fat cells are not necessarily cells, they are empty bags waiting to be filled. They will always be there, and they are always ready to be filled with junk…

On top of this, insulin is a real sugar junkie. If it gets a sniff or a taste, it just wants more. You feel this as hunger. Even though you just ate half your body weight in sweets; 10 minutes later, you’re ready to go again, and feeling a little sick (because you’re dehydrated).

Oh, that’s right, insulin doesn’t just pack the food into the cells, it lines it with water.

Sooo, cutting out sugar will reduce your insulin response. The sugar picketers are saying that if you are overweight, it may because of the sugar in your diet, not the fat.

Because we are constantly barraging our bodies with sugar, (and a lot of the time not even knowing it) our little hoarder friend is hypersensitive to sugar, and is like the junkie who is fed more and more of the delightful cocktail of yuck that I described to you earlier.

Hoard, hoard, hoard; before you know it you’re the size of a dump truck and your heart is being crushed in your chest; all the while that hoarding little sh*t is screaming at you “I want more!” like the movie Oliver, except this week, you’re gonna slap that kid in the face and kick him in the balls.

Next week will be a really, really interesting week. You’ll discover how much sugar you actually eat (every cereal except for oats is high in added sugar).

Some of you will discover the depth of your (until now) unknown addiction, while some of you will discover a willpower you never thought you had.

Please tell me how you go, or if you have already given up sugar and what your experience was!

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