How many ex-smokers reward themself after a month off the smokes by bingeing on a packet of 20? How many reformed alcoholics have a weekly bottle of wine to keep them on the straight and narrow? If you are trying to lose weight and become a healthier person, a chinese or chipper on a Saturday night is not going to help you. Stop ruining your hard work by treating yourself to 3 steps backward. If you are the kind of person who needs a pat on the back for your hardwork and needs that self praise, then treat yourself to a blowdry, spray-tan, a few magazines or a new book. Small treats can be incorporated into your daily/weekly routine, and I have nothing against going all out for a very special occasion such as Christmas or Mothers Day. The calories and fat involved in huge takeaway portions are not something your body needs or should be subjected to, on any kind of regular basis.
2. Get the pints in.
Your body needs at least 4 of these a day. If you are trying to lose weight you need to take in even more water. Drinking plenty will help your body break down the fat and eliminate it from your system. You will find it easier to work out at the gym or take part in exercise if your body is not dehydrated. You will feel healthier and suffer less with headaches. Most people let themselves become dehydrated on a regular basis. Water is free and there is no need for us to go thirsty. Remember, if you are thirsty, it is too late. Make a conscious effort to drink water throughout the day and never feel thirsty. Follow the guide below for a fool-proof way to stay hydrated
- Drink 2 glasses on waking, this wakes up your body
- Drink 1 glass before every shower/bath to help keep blood pressure normal
- Drink 1 glass before every meal
- Drink 1 glass before exercise and sip throughout
- Drink 1 glass after exercise
- Drink 1 glass before bed
3. Up your Protein
If you eat fat, your body makes fat. If you eat carbs, then fairly easily your body will turn this to fat. If you eat protein, your body uses this for growth and repair, but finds it very difficult to turn it into fat. Try to eat lean protein at every meal. If you are spending a lot of time exercising think about a protein supplement or eating protein bars in place of treats. Remember the more protein you eat the less hungry you feel. I don't agree with diets such as Atkins, as your body does require a certain amount of good carbs, but it is much less than the traditional ideas we have grown up with. Your dinner should appear to be mostly protein and veg, and a very small portion of good carbs.
4. Give up Fizzy Drinks
Of all the unhealthy things I have cut out of my life, this was something I found difficult. It is easy to use diet drinks as a crutch for your weight-loss. Recent studies have shown that fizzy drinks are one of the worlds most poisonous foods, and could be linked to many problems with the kidneys, liver and some cancers. You only have to read the label to see that these are just a cocktail of chemicals we don't need to pollute our bodies with.
5. There is no quick-fix
Forget about crash diets, forget about vibro machines, slimming tablets and miracle cures. The only way to lose weight and change your body shape is hard work. You need to work hard at your diet to make sure you are not eating more than you are burning off. Dieting is simple maths.

Calories In < Calories Out = Weigh loss
Calories In > Calories Out = Weight Gain
Calories In = Calories Out = Weight stays the same
If you are gaining weight you are eating too much, and or not doing enough exercise.
If your weight is staying the same but you are trying to lose weight, reduce your calories or introduce extra exercise. (If you choose to introduce extra exercise, avoid treating yourself for this with food)
6. Learn to feel hungry.
If you are losing weight and eating less calories than you are burning off, it is normal to go to bed hungry and wake up even hungrier. In this day and age we have become spoiled never knowing what it is like to feel hungry. Feel hungry, get used to the feeling. It is just your body telling you that it is now burning off that extra fat, you will learn to like this feeling. It can be uncomfortable to begin with as for many people this is a new sensation, but it is not harmful it just requires getting used to.
7. 80% Diet and 20% Exercise
If you want to lose weight remember your diet is 4 times more important than the exercise. Going to the gym 10 times a week will not help you if your diet is wrong. Get your diet right, and do plenty of walking. When you get closer to your goal think about more intense exercise, but you can get most of the way there with simple diet changes and regular walking.
8. Do Not Smoke
It is very easy to say this but one of the hardest things in the world to do. In saying that, there are millions of ex-smokers worldwide. Their will power is no better than yours. Your body deserves the effort it takes. Half of all smokers will die because they smoke. Think about all the smokers you know, then think about half of them dead. Giving up smoking will help your pocket, and also help your health. You will find it easier to exercise at a much higher level when your lungs and throat no longer hold you back. You will find an incredible sense of liberation when you are no longer a slave to this drug. Smoking is particularly harmful to women, their fertility and female cancers.
9. Discipline

10. Slow and Steady
Don't give up if you don't see results straight away. It has taken a long time for your body to get to where it is now. To change it won't take quite as long but does require patience. Even if you have a lot of weight to lose it is best to lose about 1kg or 2.2 pounds a week, that way you know you are losing body fat and not muscle which you would rather keep. Follow all these tips and after a while it really will require no effort whatsoever. Eating healthy and being healthy is a lifestyle you will enjoy and never regret. Think about this:
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